How to take part?
1.- To preserve, you have to know what you want to preserve and collaborate with research: Puranga Flow is within a legal reserve RDS PURANGA CONQUISTA: where we provide the area to research entities, both municipal and from the state of Amazonas and the Federation.
We have been working with chelonians for 5 years now, specifically the PODECNEMIS UNIFILIS, called TRACAJÁ. Research serves to expand knowledge, allowing Biology students to do their final degree, master’s or doctoral projects.
We receive them in our facilities, they organize scientific studies, they live with us, we facilitate transportation, food, etc.
2.- If we ask someone to participate, what guarantees do they have about the destination of their money?: the annual rental contract for a jungle area and following the project work online.
It must be a negligible value but one that allows everyone to participate and gathers the necessary financial resources to do so. It’s not just about philanthropy. It is about renting an area for preservation purposes that you can visit whenever you want, making a visit with greater scientific depth, not just a traditional contemplative visit. We can talk about the term scientific tourism. Well, surely yes. Through the web you can follow and control what is done. All of this is subject to a rental contract with its rights and obligations. You will have your grain of sand!!
3.- With just half a euro per year and square meter, preservation and research can be financed, with an absolutely legal contract, in a private, direct manner, without prejudice to the preservation activities of the state; on the contrary, both can collaborate and achieve the proposed objectives by uniting their synergies.